Title: 2012/2 Chando Invited to Frankfurt Ambiente Trade Show

Frankfurt Ambiente is one of the world’s largest high quality consumer goods conventions.

Frankfurt  Ambiente is the worlds largest and most successful high quality consumer goods convention.

 Ambiente is not only a hub for exhibitors from all over the worlds, it is also a great place to meet new customers. Frankfurt Spring Fair, 

as the most important consumer goods convention, injected a new lifestyle into the market - the most innovative, opinionated,

 passionate, and latest projects. The show has three themes - home goods, gifts, and decor, creating unprecedented opportunities.

It leads the worlds consumer goods’ latest trends, as prides itself as the largest exhibition. 

The show has cutlery, gifts, life goods. The exhibition brings together exhibitors from all over the world with their latest products.

 Ambiente provides the perfect market, with enough width and depth with professionals from varying industries.

 It is a show that acts as a vital platform in pushing Chinese brands to the world.

This time we invite Chando, which focuses on elevating lifestyle and customer experience. Life cannot be without fragrance and beauty. Chando prides itself in carrying 

the name of “Artisan of Ambience.”Promoting the elegant fragrance and beautiful Aroma Porcelain in to every lifestyle, and for every visiting customer a fashionable experience.