Title: 2016/9 Chando Invited to Shanghai China Interior Lifestyle China Exhibition

Interior Lifestyle China began in 2007, and is the only exhibition that services domestic market that positions in middle to high end home furnishing goods.

 Exhibition is co-organized by LianYa International Exhibition Company and Messe Frankfurt, 

and concentrates the world’s best products while promoting home furnishing industry’s independent brands,

 innovative designs, and high quality products. Interior Lifestyle will create a brand new concept of home furnishing exhibition.

Annually, Interior Lifestyle hosts an exhibition that lasts four days, and it draws over 200 exhibitors from around 13 countries,

including China, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, and America. The exhibition also prepared the coveted “Annual Home Furnishing Fashion Award.”

We specially invited Chando, a home fragrance brand can improve ambience and innovation for life and a brand shows its focus and attention to customers in every detail. 

What the beauty of life will be without embellishment of fragrance and artistry? Home fragrance brand CHANDO, known as the artisan of ambience, 

advocates to integrate elegant fragrance and aesthetic porcelain into lifestyle. It brings brand new fashion and exquisite experience to each visiting guest.