Co-designing with Jessie Zhu, Chando Launched Bluebell Fragrance

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The name derives from the plant bluebell and exactly as its name indicates, these flowers waver and dance in the wind, crooning pleasantly and gently, like wind bells. 

The first time Jessie took a shine to bluebells was when she walked in the woods, and stumbled upon a bluebell land. “It just struck a chord with me. There they are, not ostentatious, not aggressive, so aromatic and refreshing”

Graceful yet unassuming blue bell-like flowers, wafts of refreshing aroma, Jessie’s romantic nostalgia about the London style, 

and her emotions stirred up at that moment,Altogether, create a London trip in merely a single drip,Fascinating, tranquil, serene……

Bluebell fragrance, co-designed with Jessie Zhu, a new release by Chando in Mid-Autumn!